Growing up in Cairns, I can remember some of my first swimming lessons at Tobruk Memorial Pool. Being that’s in been in use longer than I’ve been around, it was great to see that it was given a serious redevelopment – taking it’s aging facilities into a new era. ADCO were the builders for this redevelopment – responsible for maintaining the pool’s strong links with the contributions of Australia’s servicemen and peacekeepers.
Along with a refurbished main building, incorporating the heritage listed facade, a major feature was the 50 metre pool upgraded to FINA standards. Eye-catching shading was added to cover the 50m and 25m warm-up pools. Formals spaces, the kiosk and reception, landscaping and seating were also refreshed and added amenities such as an artificial wave rider have transformed it into a high-class aquatic centre. The entrance to the pool now incorporates a memorial walkway and commemorative sculpture.
It was great to be able to get in provide the project photography for the builders, showcasing their great work redeveloping a Cairns icon.

The redeveloped Tobruk Memorial Aquatic Centre including 50m and 25m pools.