The end of March saw me doing further work for Catholic Education Services at two North Queensland schools… Our Lady Help of Christians (OLHOC) in Cairns and Good Counsel Primary School in Innisfail. It’s always interesting to see what photographic opportunities crop up with every school. Obviously each has it’s own location, facilities, distinct history, it’s teacher and student make-up, and with that, it’s own personality and feel. With the schools photography I do, it’s very much about capturing that in a way that comes across as natural and genuine.
- Young smiling friends
- Students learning through technology
- Teacher and young student
- Kids playing together
- Parent volunteers providing teaching assistance
- Active kids at play
- Healthy options lunchtime
- Parent and child after the school day
- Students in the classroom
- School choir
- Teaching staff working with students
- Students in the playground
- Teacher assisting students using iPads
- Kids using iPads in the classroom
- Students enjoying a book in the library
- Young student working on computer in library
- After school study class
- Students at morning assembly
- Principal greeting students at the gate
- Young students making a charity donation
- Students reading and studying in the library
- Games in the school library
- Touch football on the sports field
- Students playing instruments in music class
- Interactive class using electronic whiteboard
- Students learning through technology
- Kids playing on oval with school buildings beyond
- Music class
- Young students working together
- Students at lunchtime
- Young student lining up a kick on the sports field
- Teacher assisted learning
- Young students putting pencil to paper
- Parent walking students to school gates
- Teacher assisting students in computer class
- Students reading and playing games in the library